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旅行的步伐是滴答 沒有人規定要一起齊步走 停下 也是欣賞 設備 arduino tip120 直流馬達 超音波sensor 技術 利用超音波感測,人靠越近,馬達轉的越慢 影片 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hnQCtrpQxmx6TiXv...
原本是去材料行逛逛看有什麼新奇的輸入與輸出感測器,但是意外發現來討論數位與類比好像也不錯?所以就索性把題目當作業障太重了,用自己的話來解釋數位與類比 告訴我如何區分類比與數位 類比訊號(英語:analog signal),是指在時域上數學形式為連續函數的訊號。與類比訊號對應...
Lazy SuSynth is an interactive sequencer inspired by the form of a record player. When the entire system is powered, six lasers mounted...
Black-and-white and color screen switching In a color switch, I remember the scene of an angel saving a little girl from a falling...
這部片我不是第一次看,大概在老師推薦之前,我就已經看過了兩三遍了,我還記得第一次看的時候,不是為了特別看裡面的造型或是建築,而是隨手轉到電視台才發現的。 第一次看的時候是在國中,看完覺得很興奮,人定勝天,只要我們努力,夢想與我們同行,就算是科技,也不能預測人的努力,有些人就...
The similarities between the two films are that at the end of the two films, the hero of both films dies, the hero of the terrorist...
The most basic and most intuitive way is to model the 2D into 3D, first of all to get the plane front, the elevation map, the side map,...
2018.4.29 Fordward Actually I don’t know why teacher ask for us to differ two movies until I finish this homework. The type of the two...
Preface In view of the two films, the "memories" in Japan and the "delicatessen" in France, it is quite interesting to compare the...
Picky Although humans are omnivorous animal, but I am a carnivorous human. I often speak with the love of the earth, but I am the one of...
跨域 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5Aq7cRc-mU 焊到死的cube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxyXRL8jqew 偶的夢想 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...